International Women’s Day 2022
Over the past two years with the pandemic, we have seen a new vocabulary emerge: C-19, social distancing, family bubbles – the list goes on. But one phrase, ‘front line workers’, is not new to our community.
Women, warriors and warrior moms, have been fighting to keep their loved ones alive from a deadly disease. They are working under harsh circumstances where there is no care, no understanding and no support against overwhelming odds.
These women have been ‘front line workers’ their whole lives. They have had decades – not just two years- of constant stress. They pay a high cost in terms of their own health, finances, career opportunities and quality of life. They live in constant fear that their efforts will still result losing the battle in the death of their loved one.
They need our help.
So if you know someone like this, a woman who is supporting someone with Sickle Cell Disease or who has Sickle Cell Disease then reach out to them and offer your support on their terms – daily, emotionally, financially and with compassion.
You can make a difference in a woman’s life.